Studio Cleaning Guide
Thank you for being a member or a student at Fahrenheit Ceramics!
Pottery is a messy pursuit, so we appreciate your help in keeping our studio as clean as possible. Please follow this checklist every time you wrap up your session.
Thank you!
Amy, Jessie, and Elina
Throw away any wet clay into the reclaiming buckets next to the sink
Wash your wheel trays, clean the wheel head, and wipe down the wheel body
Reassemble your wheel and turn it off (press the large button)
Wipe down and flip your stool upside down on top of your wheel
Wash, wring out, and hang up your towel to dry on your stool
Wipe down the backsplash in front of your wheel
Sweep and mop the area around your wheel, worktable, or glaze counter
Wipe the wedging table and scales clean
If you used any studio tools, wash and dry them thoroughly
If you used any throwing bats, wash them thoroughly, dry with a towel, and put them back in their stacks
If you used any studio glazes, wipe off any spills, clean the bucket lids, and make sure the buckets are tightly closed and put away
If you used any banding wheels wipe them down
Wipe down the sink and clean out any clay debris at the bottom
Throw away any garbage, recycle your bottles, and toss food remnants in outside trash