General Class Information

  • You must follow all studio rules while in the studio to ensure the safety of everyone in this clay community

  • You must be at least 15 to enroll in our adult classes

  • Adults classes meets for 2 hours

  • Generally community clay, use of studio tools, glazes and firing are included in your enrollment fee

  • Open Studio time is available for members and six week class students ONLY to come in and practice what they have learned in class on a first come–first served basis

  • You will want to wear old comfortable clothes. Working with clay is a wet and dusty pastime. Some clays will stain your clothing

  • You should bring 2 hand towels with you to class (one for the wheel and one for your hands)

  • You may want to consider the use of an apron, we have a limited number available in studio, but one can also be brought from home if you desire

  • A two-week period after the session ends is included in the cost of your adult class enrollment to allow for the completion of any unfinished projects

  • Extensions to class sessions may be purchased. See a studio representative for more information. 

  • People with long hair will wish to bring a hair tie

  • Nails should be kept short for the duration of the session for best results with soft clay

  • If you must miss a class, but are not dropping the session, please check with your instructor beforehand. Often times you will be able to sit in for another classes demo, and pace permitting, be able to work as well.

  • Please be respectful of our neighbors when you are outside--there is a residential unit just above our studio

  • We do not have dedicated parking, there is free street parking on the streets surrounding our studio

  • If at all possible please arrive to class a bit early. This will allow you to set up for class and maximize your class time.